Sunday, April 26, 2009

From Educating for the Workplace through the ARTS

From Educating for the Workplace through the ARTS
The Getty-Education Institute for the Arts


Over The past decade, a new way of thinking about arts education has taken hold, which differs significantly from the limited activity that most adults remember from their own schooling. Based on substantive and rigorous content, the new arts education develops the very capacities that business leaders, educators, and parents want the schools to provide our children: creative problem-solving, analytical thinking, collaborative skills, and judgment.

In the new arts education, child ren learn to convey ideas, feelings, and emotions by creating their own images and performing dance, music, and drama. They learn to decode and understand the historical and cultural messages wrapped up in works of art. They also learn to analyze, critique, and draw reasoned conclusions from what they see and hear’ i.e., to reflect on the meaning of their perceptions and experiences. The demonstrated achievements of the new arts education have brought it recognition in areas that are today defining education for both students and teachers.

( Adopted from the )


"Circles" - Coffee Painting ( SMART Kids Magazine of St. Mary's Academy - Pasay City )

KASIGUN - Kids Fashion Exhibit ( Karayum Sinulid at Gunting ) applying basic skills in sewing and stitches.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

FOSS...It's significance to quality education

With all the things happening around the world; no one can't deny the pressing economic crisis... things become simpler and more complicated...How? creatures of this universe stretch and find ways to end both means... why? beacuase everything that comes in handy has a price on it, a tag that even little children can't ignore. Did it occur to you when your son or daughter asked for something and your usual reply is "when I have money, or that's too expensive ! sounds complicated, isn't it? One concrete example , is we want the best of the worlds. The mercy of quality to the economics of quantity. As an educator, how do you make this possible to your students? Well, fret no more, for FOSS brings good news to all of those who don't want to sacrifice quality learning. It's like an "on the house" treat of a regular employee to a hundred spectators...remeber some of them are related to him or even strangers... How? FOSS made it possible for you and me to have unlimited and unrestricted access without liability, you can enhance or modify the program that will suit to your needs and you can even distrbute the software among your memebrs for free. Realizing all these, you are not far behind with the demands of the techie word and universal learning. It helps you to build a community of people with common goals. So make a stand and join the learning force of people... guilt free and ready to face the world.