Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The Philippine Arts Educators Association, through Mr. Orlando Abon, supported the Faber-Castell Creativity Academy which was held at SM Lucena last
Jan. 24, 2009. The creativity enhancement seminar was attended by educators from the private schools and DepEd Division of Lucena through the effort of Dr. Amelita Balagtas, the School Division Superintendent.

Mr. Orlando Abon tackled art across the curriculum which was rooted on “ART MATTERS”, an art module which he developed for the benefit of primary and secondary level educators. Mr. Abon is past president of PAEA and is the founder and president of CESPHILS. (Creative Educators Society of the Phils.), a creative group composed of Marian educators. FOR MORE DETAILS VISIT... www.paea.com.ph

1 comment:

my bloggeeeer said...

Good job sir!! Congratz po....