Thursday, September 24, 2009


What have you learned in working with terracota?
How do you find terracota as a medium in art?
Compare your life to terracota.



robyn chavez g7 blessed virgin said...

having peace of mind is needed for making teracota and while your making teracota you'll experience self-discipline i think teracota is really enjoying as a part of our life i may consider this as a medium art because it enables us to have self-discipline i may compare my life with the teracota because making this means hardwork and going a lot of proj goes with hardwork and while coloring the teracota it reminds me of the great things that happened to me by the way sir this is Robyn Chavez from G6-Mary the Blessed Virgin

jan aundrey said...

I learn how to have patience in making it. Also we need to be careful in making it. I can compare my life to terracotta by being careful in every step you make. to avoid mistakes.

uyseco jan aundrey r.
blessed virgin

bernadette_jeremy014 said...

I've learned to have presence of mind in making teracota because if you think straight in what you are doing, you make the work done easily and your work can be as beautiful as the professional's work....
teracota is like life because when you work hard for it, you can achieve your goal

bernadette eunice C. raymundo
6 Mary the blessed virgin

September 23,2009

Anonymous said...

gOod evening sir :D working with the terracota is fun. I have learned that you should have patience and discipline in doing it. Because for me you cant do a terracota if you dont have that values.

Kevyne Marie A. Dantes
VI - Mary, Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

Good evening sir!

I've learned that working with terracota is a lot of fun. This is a masterpiece where in we should apply patience, self-confidence and discipline in ourselves.
For me, I consider terracota as a medium in art because with this, we extend our creativity and widen our imagination. This is a kind of project where in we work hard for it to mold perfectly.
Terracota is like life because we became careful so we can have no mistakes. And also because we become successful if we put the values we use in our daily lives.

Winfred Louie C. Villaluna
VI- Mary, The Blessed Virgin

Loisse said...

For me doing the terracota has a lot of hard work you should apply your creativeness, value of art and presence in mind it is important to value this things with such great effort. It is fun because you will apply the things that you've learned in art in doing this terracota.

Loisse said...

For me doing the terracota has a lot of hard work you should apply your creativeness, value of art and presence in mind it is important to value this things with such great effort. It is fun because you will apply the things that you've learned in art in doing this terracota.

Loisse Agamata
Mary the Blessed Virgin

ellyciel said...
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ellyciel said...

I learned that working with terracota is fun because, you cant create different shapes in our own imagination. Indeed, imagination can help to make our terracota make meaningful. I also learned that when I've done the terracota, we need to have concentration and a good behavior, because of this my/our work will be good. Terracota is also a part as a medium in art because, it can be a design, or anything that can be used to our daily lives like a mug, vase or even a pencil holder.
Also, we make it more meaningful when we color it with other medium, like pastel or paint. Terracota is also like my life because, when we face some trials or challenges we can prove that we can solve this things. Like in the terracota, we mold and mold and mold thoroughly when it is look perfect or in shape. The very important thing is to have VALUES. Like the value of discipline, without discipline, we have no concentration in this art. To be an artist is to have discipline. We need it in our lives because without it, our life will not be happy nor sad, but it is just silent. Thus the motto is my model, "EMBRACE YOUR DREAMS"
Submitted By: Ellyza S. Cua
VI-Mary, the Blessed Virgin
G8 :D

Antonette said...

There are many things that I've learned about terracota.. Firstly, I learned that SELF DISCIPLINE is very important. I also learned that we should be PATIENT while doing this. And lastly you should be FOCUS OF MIND because when your mind is not focus on what you are doing everything will go wrong. I caompare terracota in my life because "Life is a climb but the view is great". Which simply means life can have many fairytales but in order to succeed there are many obstacles to pass through. Also because you should be careful of your actions because in teraccota one mistake all can go wrong.Same with life you should be careful of your own actions.

Antonette Nicole Arcega
Grade 6 Blessed Virgin MAry

jelena said...

1.I learned that, we need to be careful in forming some designs/shape because it might break when its already dry.And if you have creativity your work will be master piece.

2.Terracota is like reaching for your goal because when you study hard you can reach your dream.


Christine Delima said...

Making terracota is fun work to do.But I learned that we need to have discipline and to be creative.
I found terracota as a medium in art because it helps us to think and be more creative.It also make our imagination wide.
Terracota is just like life.If you work hard you can reach what you want to.Its also like life because you need to be careful in everything you do to avoid mistakes.

Christine Mae M. Delima
V-Nativity of Mary

Renise said...

Working with terracota needs creativity and patience. As an art medium, you can express what you feel through terracota because the end product will reveal how do you feel while doing it. The lines and shapes made in terracotta can be compared to the ups and downs of everyone's life.

Renise Anne Dumaplin.
Gr. 6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

EiVaN_OnE said...

Working with Terracota is fun.It needs you to work hard to finish it fast.And most especially is to have patience and peace of mind.Art is needed to finish it.

Eivan Phillip San Luis
V-Nativity of Mary

Mr.low said...

I have learned that making terracota is really hard to do.You need lots our creativity in your system and be fast in making so it will not be very fragile when making the it turn. I find terracota as a medium of art in expressing your feelings in a certain scenario of your experience.And I my life to a terracota by the way that when you waste time a certain thing is hard to do,like a terracota,when you waste time your it is hard to turn and it is not flexible any more.

Israel N. Nepomuceno
VI-Mary, The Blessed Virgin

Czarina said...
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Czarina said...


I have learned many things about the terracota. It is very fun to make but we must contain self-discipline and patience to make our work(terracota)more beautiful.The terrcota is amedium of art for us to express our emotions. And I can compare this in my life when sometimes it harden,and it becomes a problem,like in life we also have problems.That is my reflection #1.

Czarina Joy B.Balbuena--G3
Vi-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

I learn how to be careful in making it, 'cause it is fragile and makes me to consider as a medium art.Also to have presence of mind in making terracotta because if you have patience and discipline in doing it, terracotta is like life because when you work hard for it, you can have your work as to be a master piece.

Roselle V. Villanueva
VI - Mary, Blessed Virgin
G26♥ said...

What have you learned in working with terracotta?

*in w0rking with terrac0tta, i have learned that y0u sh0uLd manage y0ur time pr0perLy s0 that in making terrac0tta y0u wiLL finish it on time. And in creating it y0u sh0uLd sh0w y0ur creativity.

How do you find terracotta as a medium art?

*because y0u can use terracota in art making, y0u can create designs.

Dominic07 said...

I’ve learned that in molding terracotta, one should be very careful into forming the desired shape; however, in order to do this, we need to go through various processes and stages. I find terracotta as an effortful and more physical medium of art. We need to consider some properties for us to succeed. Molding terracotta is hard, and if improperly done, it will result to failure. Terracotta is like me pursuing my goals, lots of effort, done through various processes, persevered and made with hard work; but once done and finished, the outcome would be very beautiful and gratifying.
Jahn Dominic S. Llorera
Gr.6-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

jvboizzzzzzzki107 said...

in working with teracota i learned that in molding it you must equaly balance it's parts.........
teracota is a medium in art because you need to mold it in order to create design and design belongs to the family of art.......
i can compare my life wth teracota because sometimes you fall and you nedd to stand up in order to continue your life and to achieve all things that you want........

Jan Vincent P. Varias
Gr.6-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

marvinnedg said...

i learn that we should form a terracota nicely and properly to show creativity and we should keep it in safe place it will not break.

i find terracota as a medium in art because it also includes design.

I compare terracota in my life because when its soft and it can mold means that we are a kid turning to become a teen, when its drying means that we become adults and when its dry and it can be broken means we are old and we are about to die.

Marvinne De Guzman
V-Nativity of Mary

6blessedvirginb4 said...

Good p.m., sir.

I learned that we can create different shapes using terracota.To do this,we must have self-discipline and patience. I can compare my life to a terracota as a mirror of myself because I,m careful to do anything because I don't want to hurt others.

Vincent Lyndon L. Del Prado
VI-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

Alexandra Marie P. Medina said...

I learned so much in making terracota, we need patience and imagination and being creative, and its fun doing it.

Terracota is a medium in art bec. we use our creativity and we can produce a lot of design and by molding it you can see your own work of art in it.

I compare my life to terracota by being creative and patience can lead us to be a successful and meaningful life.

christine jade G-22 said...

Making terracota is fun. I learned that if we are making terracota, we should be very careful because it might break. And our work should be creative so that our grade in our work is high.

Terracota is like life. It is like when we are not careful in what we are doing or if we do not know what we will do, our work will be wrong.


Lanz Jacob said...

I learned to have patience and hardwork in making the terracota. It is difficult to maka shapes out of clay. Sometimes when you are molding the clay it breaks and that is a common problem in making terracota.

I can compare terracota to my life by being careful of the things you are doing and also by having patience in all times and in all challenges you face in your life

Lanz Harvey Jacob
VI- Mary, the Blesed Virgin

V-Nativity of Mary* G-14 said...

I learned that working in terracota is fun and learnful because if you don't mold the terracota well it might crack and be broken and after that you will not have anymore a beautiful vase or other containers because it is already broken.

I find terracota as a medium in art because by doing or working on it, it can help your creative mind work and for your creative mind to create many designs that is beautiful and artful.

I can compare the terracota to my life because if i'm sometimes in bad mood and do something bad to other people you can compare me to a cracked and ugly terracota but when i am in a good mood and i do something good to other people you can compare me to a good looking and not cracked terracota.

j-nina supelana said...

i learned that in making the terracota you need patience in every minute for waiting to the terracota to dry. I also learned that you need to put force in every roll of the terracota to the floor (with paper). And i learned that creativity is needed to make your terracota unique not just for it to be exhibited but also for myself to be happy with the output in all the hardwork i put into it.

Janina Marie B. Supelana
VI-Mary the Blessed Virgin

Rafael Nikko G. Samonte said...

From this project I have learned so many things, things that will surely help me to become a better person. Like flexibility, creativeness, reflectiveness and patience to mention a few.

I am so glad that we have given the opportunity to use this kind of material(terracota clay) from which I have discovered the characteristics on how to become more effective in everything that I do.

Rafael Nikko G. Samonte said...

From this project I have learned so many things, things that will surely help me to become a better person. Like flexibility, creativeness, reflectiveness and patience to mention a few.

I am so glad that we have given the opportunity to use this kind of material(terracota clay) from which I have discovered the characteristics on how to become more effective in everything that I do.

Rafael Nikko G. Samonte
Gr.6- Mary The Blessed Virgin

kristadreyes said...

i learned that:

1. without FOCUS, we will not be able to think or reflect on what we want the terracota to look like

2. without PATIENCE, we will not be able to accomplish what we want to do with the terracota

3. without HARD WORK, we cannot provide or give a great result in making terracota

I find terracota as a medium in art because it showcases Filipinos creativity in making different materials which includes putting creative designs and forming terracota to different shapes and pictures they like, to show originality and spread to others that Filipinos have many characteristics that make them rich in different traditions, art and culture.

And I can compare to terracota to life by saying that in life, patience, hard work and focus are needed to accomplish certain goals. Also, l if we can plan a better future for ourselves then we also can make it happen, for terracota if we can think early of what we want the terracota to look like, then we can make it. Also if we think positive and think that there is something waiting for us that can help us improve mentally, physically and emotionally then we aim for a good picture and in making a terracota, a good picture is also what we aim to have.

Krista Mela D. Reyes
Nativity of Mary

3sha =) said...

gud mrning sr.!!
I have learned that patience is a virtue. It took long for the terracota to dry right? But we didn't becae impatient and we wait for the right time for the terracota to dry.I've also learned that creativity is important because if your plain and boring,,,how would you color your life???

Patricia Anne T. Recato
6-blessed virgin

Ira Beatrice S. Taylo said...

Ilearned that...

When working with the terracota we should have patience and hard work to accomplish in making the terracota.

Terracota is a medium in art because it helps us show our feelings in a way of putting/using designs on it.

I can compare my life to terracota by its structure because we need to have strong foundation to accomplish anything we long for.

Ira Beatrice S. Taylo
Brade 6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Nativity of Mary G30-trisha said...

1. From working with terracota, I learned that it is not an easy work. It requires a lot patience and perseverance because it is not an ordinary work so you should be careful while handling and working with it. Also, you need to be creative enough to form an output that will be meaningful and will have importance to you.

2. Terracota is a medium in art because you can show there your creativity and resourcefulness.

3. I compare my life to a terracota because in life you should be positive like doing your terracota. You should always think that you can always create beautiful works because you believe in yourself. I can also compare my life to a terracota because it is yourself who molds and create the shape of the terracota because just like in our lives, we are the one molding and holding our future.

MJCharm_98 said...

What have I learned in working with terracotta?

I have come to know that molding terracotta require gentle hands. It should be molded with love and care.

How do I find terracotta as a medium in art?

It's a little difficult to handle. I don't know the techniques on how to work with terracotta. But with a little effort I think terracotta is an awesome medium in art. After all, our ancestors are very good at it, their creativity are beyond comparison; like molding relics, jars, etc. can't imagine how they come up with these art masterpieces. :)

Compare my life to terracotta.

Every child has to be molded and handled with soothing touch, love and attention. This is how my parents raised me. And I am grateful and fortunate because God gave me the most loving and caring parents in the world.

"All things should be hauled with tender touch, love and care. God created the earth and man with his hands and filled it with love and care."

G-27 Nativity of Mary

♠christia♠ said...

making terracota clay to shapes and add lines was fun♪♪♫....
In doing this, learned to have patience, hardwork, and creativeness ♪♪♫...

Terracota clay is like life because we need to have patience
and hardwork in any problems we encounter in our life, and be creative ♪♪♫, in order to live life this way...=)♦♣♠♥

Christia Marie T. Siasat~
Grade IV- Mary, the Blessed Virgin~

♠christia♠ said...

making terracota clay was fun♪♪♫....
In doing this, learned to have patience, hardwork, and creativeness ♪♪♫...

Terracota clay is like life because we need to have patience
and hardwork in any problems we encounter in our life, and be creative ♪♪♫, in order to live life this way...=)♦♣♠♥

Christia Marie T. Siasat~
Grade IV- Mary, the Blessed Virgin~

Jamille said...

I have learned from my terracota we should have:patience,careful,creative.

I compare my life to a terracota is you must be careful for every step you take like a terracota to avoid mistakes.

Jamille Danna O. Catapang
VI- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

kayejimenez333 said...

I learned that making a terracotta that we should be patient careful and smart.
I find terracotta as medium art because some say it is easy and some say hard so for me its a little hard same time easy so for me its medium art.
I compare my life to terracotta as terracotta is also life because in terracotta we can express our feelings there like if we are making a vase and we say our life is hard like a zigzag so we can form the vase as a zigzag.
Kaye Angeline H.Jimenez
G-19 Nativity of Mary

Jan Christian Blaise D. Bombio said...
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Jan Christian Blaise D. Bombio said...

Terracotta is one good medium in Arts. You can mold it same with your life. Whatever you wanted to do in your life and wherever you want to go, it's basically up to you. Same with Terracotta, I can mold it in different shapes according to my preference.

We just need to be patient in achieving our goals. In creating masterpiece by using terracotta, you need patience, style, different ideas that would make your creation perfect. Since it is a little hard to handle, same with our lives, you should be careful and really study first what you want to do.

Terracotta and mylife.... well we should always remember that its always us who decide what we want to be, what we want to do and where we want to go. We just need to mold it going to the right direction with the grace of our lord.

Hark Emmanuelle Joaquin B. Reynaldo said...

I learned to have teamwork so that our work will be successful. I also learned that if you make thing be sure to have it can use. Making a terracotta that we should be patient careful and smart.I also learned the alternation and more patterns..

sean l. said...

it is fun and it helps me to be patient

raissa said...

I learned that having peace of mind is also needed in making terracotta. I learned that in working with terracotta, you should have experience in art because it can help you get some knowledge, data, information and new ideas. I find terracotta as a medium of art because it lets us have a creative thinking about it and especially, because terracotta is an activity which you think of a way to make your work magnificent. My life is just similar to terracotta because like terracotta, my life has color which gives life, meaning, feelings or emotions and beauty. It is also the same as my life because when we make terracotta, the thing that we made gives us our description, for example, when we shape it like heart it could also mean we like heart, there is much more better explanation for this but for me it is good. It is fun because doing these kind of activity can help us enhance our skills in arts. It can also help us in finding our true self. Finding our feelings on who we really want to be.

Patricia Nicole said...

I learned that before we make a design out of it we have to plan what product to make so that we can save time, energy and materials. We need patience, perseverance and creativity to produce or to make a wonderful product. It is also necessary to apply a gentle and careful hand to avoid breaking the terracotta for us to save time.

I found out that terracotta is a very useful material and it is easy to manipulate that we can make a lot of things out of it, such as pots, moldings, statue, sculpture, figurines, decorative materials and a lot more.

Just like terracotta that needs to be take good care of and molded to produce a good product, my life is similar to it because I am being molded and being raised by my parents with good attitude, character and values to become a good person.

Patricia Nicole B. Dignos
Nativity of Mary*

Kevin said...

Sir I learned that when you're making your terracotta need to have presence of mind and creativity when you're not thinking straight then you will not be able to finish it on time

Anonymous said...

I learned that making terracotta is not a simple thing but it is hard to make design on it because it possibly breaks and I also learned that you must be slow in making it. Through this I learned that you must have presence of mind and creativity to what you are doing.

Confesor said...

I learned that it has a lot of uses and it can be different design for houses.Because of its many uses.I can compare my lite to terracota now i am being mold just like a terracota i am being mold and when i am done studying iam gonna work just like a terracota its gonna work as a decoration.

Jhovenay U. Calixto said...

for me I learned how to be patient because sometimes the terracota might crack and i learned how to use many diff lines. I can compare my life to the terracota by being diff with other because in our life it needs our own originality and also by doing the terracota also needs our own originality.

Jhovenay U. Calixto
VI- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

carlos says i laerned to make youre own vase and its helpful for me.Carlos miguel n. guerrero of nativity of mary

Mikhael Florentino said...

I learned that in making terracotta we should be very careful in molding it into the shape that we want.And we should be creative in making the terracotta by putting different colors by using crayons,pastels and other coloring materials.