Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Blessed Virgin

Good Day!
Congratulations for the job well done....you really deserve your grade.
I would like to thank you all for your support, efforts and active participation for all the things that we shared together....I hope you have gained something from me through the varied activities that enhances your talents and skills. May all these things serves as your weapons for your future...keep up the good work and good luck...

At this point, i would like you to share your insight and reflections of the best thing that you have learned from me, from our activities and from your classmates....


~pAtrIciA reCatO~ said...

Patricia Recato

i have learned many things in our mape subject this school year 2009-2010. I learned how to enhance my skills,about teamwork, but especially, I learned how to express my feelings through many ways without any limitations. Mape is different from other subjects because it doesn't require discipline.It doesn't require any limitations in showing who you are.We also had lots of activities that is in group.Mape also wants us to learn virtues that we should possess to have better relationship with others.

I'll miss mape!!!:((
dun lang kc kame nagiingay eh!!!:((
g0nnA misS u MTBV!!!!

wala na said...

Eibai Dianne :D

I learned a lot in our last Mape with you Sir. Abon I learned different techniques on arts and drawing and I learned to open up in the different tasks that we have been assigned to especially when dancing I will really miss the class especially the times that we learned to give others chance and be the best we can be thank you sir.

I will miss you sir and the things you thought us :D

Jhovenay U. Calixto said...

I really learned many thing from you sir Abon. I learned the different forms of art. I also learned how to express myself by the forms of art. I had really fun at our MAPE class. One of the meetings that I enjoyed was our practices for the field demo, because we showed our friendship to the other section. We really had fun in this school year. Especially at your class sir, because we can express our true talents in art. You are one of the best teachers i had met in this school year.

Thank you for teaching us many things and helping in our presentations.

I will miss you sir and i will really miss the times we spent together..

Minelli Inoferio said...

I really learned many great things from you, sir. I learned all about the elements and different forms of art. I also learned that we can express our own feelings through art. I always liked to do the activities that we had in our MAPE class. It was a very great experience to be able to do the activities you gave us. These experiences can really help us in our daily life. I really had fun during the activity that we made a terracotta. I also enjoyed when we had our practices for the field demo because we showed our creativeness during that time. We also learned to be friendly especially to other sections. I really had so much fun with you sir. I will really miss those times.. Thank you for everything that you shared with us sir. I will really miss your class. Thank you for the support that you gave to our class.

I will miss you sir.... Thank you for everything!

Minelli A. Inoferio

ellyciel said...
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ellyciel said...
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ellyciel said...

I realized and learned that all of your lessons and things that you have teached us is useful for our future, almost can be used in our secondary level, the HIGH SCHOOL. We will miss you very much, and our batch MTBV.

But, the most useful thing that we have learned from you is self-confidence because, even our classmates make fun of themselves, they have strength in performing onto the floor, like Rommel Decena, his great performance stunned all of us and have awards, I like his performance, because he is focused and serious of the job he will do, I wish that all of us will do that value... without self-confidence, our presentation will may look ugly or not alive..
THANKS TO YOU... for all the things you have shared...Thus, I will share to you the quote that I have got in a movie and in a game. by Zack Fair: "Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero/great leader, you need to have dreams."..... WE WILL NEVER EVER FORGET YOU <(^_^)>

Ellyza "Eru" Cua
VI - Mary, the Blessed Virgin


Czarina said...

I have learned fro you Sr. everything that involves art and different exercises. Also, you have taught us some useful things that we can proudly say about MAPE in our school but most importantly, from YOU . Even though sometimes we are naughty and noisy and "makulit" you still taught us wonderful things. I have learned from my classmates MTBV that having teamwork and cooperation is needed sow e can be successful in our lies and work. Even though some of MTBV were green minded i will still MiSs them so much!!

Thank you for being a part of my memories!! I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU!!~
God Bless and Take Care!!

Czarina Joy B. Balbuena
G3 :P:P:P

Anonymous said...

Pamela Espigol

I learned many things from this very school year.. I learned about art, music but most of all I learned to express myself in different ways..Thank you sir! I will miss you and our subject MAPE!!

Kharis Faune said...

This school year, I had learned a lot of things in MAPE. Every little thing I've learned has been a big help for my daily life, not only for arts and music, but also for the values i've learned during this school year. Probably the best thing that I've learned during this school year was expressing myself in art. Sir, you had been a big help for us.. Thank you for all the things you've taught us. We couldn't do this if you weren't there. I hope you wouldn't forget us because I am sure all of us won't forget you. You are one of the best teachers we've had. Thank you again sir. We will surely miss you!

Kharis Faune.

christia!♥♥ said...

I have learned many things in this subject(MAPE)this schoolyr. 2009-2010.Many activities in mape subject have challenged me to be more open to others and express my self. I learned to have teamwork, to persevere but most of all self confidence and share my talents to other. This experience will serve as my weapons for my future Sr. Abon.

Sr. Abon,
Thank you for giving your very best in teaching. Thank you for your especial love and care for us. I'll miss MAPE for this school year.

Christia Marie T. Siasat
Gr.6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

bernadette_jeremy014 said...

This year, I learned a lot from you sir. From simple art to complicated.. From etnic designs to moderm ones.. And from just a art to an art production.. From simple to complicated things sir, you've taught us how to appreciate art by means of writing and by our actions..
You've taught us not just music, arts and everything that has to be learned in the subject MAPE but you've also taught us some values... Values that can be a great help for us growing children..
Thanks to you sir, our life can be easier beacuse you taught us what art is and how we can apply it in our daily lives...

Thank you sir for being a great teacher and mentor to us..

Bernadette Eunice C. Raymundo
6- Mary the Blessed Virgin

Antonette Arcega :X said...

Indeed I can say that this year MAPE has been very exceptional and buried deep down to my mind, heart and soul. This is because of MAPE I've distinguish and develop many skills that was unknown to me the past few years. Also because of this I recognized my strenghts and weaknesses. Strenghts like I'm good in playing this kind of sport. And I'm weak in TUMBLING! But despite this weaknesses I strived hard so I can do it right the next time. These skills are just some of the hundred of skills I've met throughout MAPE subject.

Not only skills but also attitudes and values that I may can really renew a person's life to make the person more productive. Skills in different perspectives, like in sports I learned that every game when we lose we must be sport and accept in our heart that we lose and next time we must be better.

Truly, i have nothing to say but thanks, thanks, thanks. THANK YOU SR. ABON for everything you have done to us, thank you for sharing you time and life with us. Thanks because you've been our inspiration to be the best we can be.

"A teacher teaches from his heart, not from a BOOK!"

-Antonette Nicole Arcega
6-Blessed Virgin Mary
G2 :X

☺ Winfred Villaluna ☺ said...

Good Afternoon sir.I learned many things from you which is all about M.A.P.E. Each one of it helped me in my daily life. I learned how to have self-confidence in one's self. Another is that I learned to have trust on yourself. I also learned about the elements of art. I also learned to have persistence. I also learned to try and try until you succeed.

As we grow and become high school, I will use this as our source of power.

I would like to share this quote, "A good exercise for the heart is bending down and helping someone to get up."

I'll always cherish the moments of VI-Mary, The Blessed Virgin with our best M.A.P.E teacher, Sir Abon. I'll always remember you sir.


Take Care sir!
God Bless YOU!

Winfred Louie DC. Villaluna
VI-Mary,The Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

I have learned many useful things from you sir. I learned how to draw in diffrent ways and the elements of art. I learned how to be confident in performing. And mostly for me the most important thing that i have learned from you is how to work in a team. Working in a team is awesome "lalo poh akong naging close sa mga classmates ko" and I learned how to be more friedly. I learned that patience is really important.

Sir, thank you for everything. Thank you for having patience. Thank you for doing your best just to let MTBV win. Thank you for the awards that I have recieved. We will miss you sir!

Kevyne Marie A. Dantes
Mary, Blessed Virgin

sean laguda said...

i learned many things in MAPE. like the different techniques to draw a alien and other stuff. i also learned all about the different kinds of arts. i also learned to be a more productive student. someday your teachings will be passed on to the next schhol year students....

sana manalo c gibo...hahaha

Jamille said...

In this school year the best teacher in MAPE I have is you! Sir Abon.

In this creative year in MAPE i have learn many things from this subject. I learn how to have a cooperation in our group. I have learned many things from you. And I will store until I grow up.



j-nina supelana said...

i have learned in Mape this school-year:

I learned that cooperation is needed for us to make our presentation especially when performing in groups. this helps you to make a more creative work or performance when the leader and members accept all comments and suggestions and try it out before telling the members that it will not work.

I also realized that you can't apply the plan that you have made if you do not participate actively and don't have discipline. It is needed for us to make the performance more organized.

Aside from the values that I have learned, I also gain more and more knowledge in the MAPE sbject.

First of all I learned hoe to make a silhouette. I learned that you need a good color combination in doing this.
I learned gymnastics, that it will make you more flexible if you exercise. You should need to warm up before doing stunts and other vigorous activities. and it can also help you to stay fit and strong.
I learned about arts. I learned that dots formed different kinds of lines. Lines formed different shapes. And shapes needed color to have life and if you put this all together in a drawing you will certainly have a masterpiece.
Then I learned about Rhythm, tempo and music. I learned that it rhythm and tempo are needed in making a good music. I also learned about dance. you need to start first with basic position before doing anything hard. And if you dance with the music, you will have a good performance. and you will have good performance if these two are combined and presented together with the value self confidence. it is needed for every work. In order to manifest this you must believe in yourself.

And those are the things that I have learned in MAPE SUBJECT every 2: 15pm-3:15pm every Tuesday and Thursday and sometimes Friday.

But that's not all I have learned.
It's just the most important that i have learned.

I thank our teacher, Sir Abon because he made us better individual when it comes to MAPE.
And also my classmates for helping me to understand more Sir's lessons.

created by:
Janina Marie B. Supelana
Grade 6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Dominic07 said...

Through various activities we were taught how to be resourceful, learned to exercise patience, perseverance and love for work. Could express our self freely through drawings and learned to create pictures from imagination. Just recently, where we have to propose and make a project, the talent and the confidence that I never thought existed, blooms out and gives me the opportunity to glow and grow as an individual. If it wasn’t for that, I never could have found out.
I’ve learned to practice the value of cooperation, teamwork, dedication and sportsmanship in every group presentations. The bonding's with my classmates, where we can share our ideas with others are the thing that I most thankful for.
MAPE has been an avenue for me to know myself as a person, to grow, develop and be a man who knows my culture, who gives importance, appreciates and respects others’ works.


B-8 < (-@_@-)>

raissa said...

Hello Sir.

These has been the most wonderful school year for me. Thanks for all the things that I have learned from you that I have shared my talents to my classmates.I would never forget each and everything that I have learned form you.

In this school year, even though we only had a short time, I learned that each one of us was given by God different skills and talent that would inspire other people and I would want you, Sr. Abon, that you are the best MAPE teacher for me for having many great talens that has taught us so many things that can be applied to our daily lives.

I, Noraissa M. Saripada, would like to thank you for everyhting you have done for us.
May you live an outstanding life full of great talents, skills and artistic memories and moments.
I would never forget everything you have done to us.
GO MTBV and to you as well, SR. ABON

Noraissa M. Saripada
Grade 6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

Hello sir!

i learned many things from mape.i learned elements, shapes, colors, and dance. Even we only had a short time, i am inspired because you always teach us self-confidence and discipline. Even you are angry already to us, you give us chances to change ourselves. thank you sir! we will miss you ! MTBV loves you! I will miss this school year!

Go sir! Go mtbv!

Sulong Gibo lipad tayo!

aundrey said...

i learned many things form mape. i learned all the elements of arts.not only the elements of arts but its all about the mape subject. when having field demo practices, i learn to have a self-confidence. in this subject i also learn how to become mot=re independent.

thank you! god bless and good luck

Jan Aundrey R. Uyseco
6-Mary the Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

I learned many things in MAPE, like enhancing my creativity in drawing. I learn about the different kinds of art and how to use it. I also learnrd that if I trust myself, I can do anything.

Thank you sir for teaching all of us about Mape, we know that we can apply the skills we learn in our daily life. May God bless you!!!!

Teddy Carl L. Omilig
6 - Mary, the Blessed Virgin

jvboizzzzzzzki107 said...


6 - Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Renise said...

Good day Sir Abon!
Its always a nice feeling doing MAPE class with you. The 7 arts were taught thoroughly and it made me appreciate most of them. Also i was able to relate the arts with my daily life.I think that was learning all about. Thank you for the memories. God Bless You.

Renise Anne L. Dumaplin
^_^ 6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Ira Beatrice S. Taylo said...

I learned so many things in my subject MAPE..but the most useful thing that I learned was having confidence in myself that I can achieve my goals in life....

I'll really miss the fun times we had in MAPE and all the group and individual work we ahd that made us better individuals.

Ira Taylo
6- Blessed Virgin

Mr.low said...

I learned many thing like:
-the forms of art.
-the basic steps in form of art.
-playing the flute better and etc.

And at this point of my comment, I would like to thank you for being a fun and good teacher. Thank you for giving us many chances in our activities. And thank you for being a friend to us.

I think this is my last comment.

Israel Nepomuceno
6-MTBV or Mary, The Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

I learned a lot of things in this school year 2009-2010 in the subject MAPE like knowing the different forms of art, steps on how to play the flute better,basic dance steps etc.

I also learned to built self -confidence and expressing one's self through our different lessons this school year.

Vincent Lyndon L. Del Prado
VI- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Loisse said...

I learned so much from Mape. I learned to be confident in anything I do. I learned to be cooperated in all of our groupings. Because of mape I learned to express myself through different forms of art. Thank you Sir. Abon for the things that you've shared for our improvement. Thank you so much.

Loisse Briethex C. Agamata
Mary the Blessed Virgin