Sunday, August 2, 2009

Marian Values

Reflection #5 For Blessed Virgin and Nativity of Mary

Are values taught or caught?
Some of us aware of what is right to what is wrong? As Marian how do you apply the values that you have gained from this institution? From the values that you acquire from you parents or peers? Based from your various reflections you are very good in sharing those values you had learned...ask yourself and pause for a while.... DID I APPLY THOSE VALUES TO REALITY?

You may post your personal reflection or you can submit to me personally...THANKS for every values that I have seen from you... GOD BLESS


☺ Winfred Villaluna ☺ said...

Yes, because I apply these values in my little ways as a Marian by caring for others. Second, by praying for wellness of others. Third, by helping others in chores, assignments etc. And by being a good friend to others however good or bad, easy or hard, high or low all task is.

Having this means you have good deeds & you are ready to serve others. “It’ s better to give than to receive”, in short this means that if we help others if they are in need, they will be happy, while on the other hand, when we are having difficulties, they will also help us in the near future.

Winfred Louie C. Villaluna
VI- Mary, The Blessed Virgin

jvboizzzzzzzki107 said...

i aplied it because everytime a person asked me to help them ihelped them but in the rare future wish i could enhance it

jan vincent p. varias
VI- Mary, The Blessed Virgin

Kevyne Marie A. Dantes said...
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Kevyne Marie A. Dantes said...

For me values are taught. Its not like in the point that you were born you have values already. Your family, friends or teachers will teach you what are the good values and the bad values. That is my opinion.

I know that I am aware of what is right to what is wrong. Sometimes I know that I am wrong but still I do it is like my one of my "KALOKOHAN". But I always do what I know is right. I will just do good things and I know anytime something good will happen to me and I will feel comfortable.
I apply the values by teaching others the right attitudes, sharing my knowledge, helping others and many more. I know that I apply those values in reality.

Kevyne Marie A. Dantes g9
VI- Blessed Virgin

wala na said...

For me some values are taught and some are caught it depends on wether what place he/she is some is being learned from our sorroundings and some are from the mistakes we made evry value has it's own way to show itself and that's my answer.

Eibai Dianne A. Tingting
Gr.VI Mary the Blessed Virgin

ellyciel said...
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ellyciel said...

Sir, the values are being caught and being taught because there are some values that we learned from other classmates who are joyful and also and there are some values that are being taught in our subject like CL.
Others are aware of what is right to what is wrong because others correct what is the mistakes of others. The values that I caught are from my parents and relatives, to the whole family. While the values that taught came from our teachers, and also you Sir Abon.
As a Marian, i will apply the values that I've gained from in this institution in my own little way especially by having strong faith in God, sharing my talents from others and being industrious in all works/projects etc. Some values are applied to my daily life like celebrating the Holy Mass every Sunday, joining church organizations (SJB Rondalla & Choir) at the Children's Mass, helping my classmates in doing their assignments, and doing my role in the school as a Marian.

Ellyza S. Cua
VI-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

RaFaeL said...

I say values are caught more often than taught. And as Marian, I could apply the good values I have gained by simply putting it into practice in my daily living. I won't allow it to just get stocked in my mind and stagnant to carry on the good traits to my family, friends,and to all people.
by: Rafael Nikko G. Samonte
Gr.6- Mary the Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

The values were being caught because, if what value you always see and experience in your surroundings were being imitate.As a Marian, I could do these things with the help of my classmate because they are the one who do the values that is right and sometimes were wrong .For me I won't allow the wrong values to mine mind because I want to be an desciplinary student and person, thank you sir....>_<

Anonymous said...

The values were being caught because, if what value you always see and experience in your surroundings were being imitate.As a Marian, I could do these things with the help of my classmate because they are the one who do the values that is right and sometimes were wrong .For me I won't allow the wrong values to mine mind because I want to be an desciplinary student and person, thank you sir....>_<

Renise said...

I think values are both taught and caught.For me,values that are taught by my parents,are the ones that I am applying in my daily life as a Marian.There is always a choice between right and wrong.So,the values I learned since I was a kid gave me the choice to always do the right things.While values that are caught,are the ones that you got from other people and almost always,wrong values are made.

Renise Anne Dumaplin.
6-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

Dianne said...

Values can be caught or taught
caught-we can imitate someone who is good towards others
taught- yes we can teach the values we have now by sharing that to others.
I apply those things in reality by working easily by the discipline that I have. And i can also apply colors to my life by sharing what I have learned in school

Dominic07 said...
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Kevin said...

I really believe that values can be caught and taught.

Values that are caught is something you learned from other people like you know what is right or wrong things that you do.

Values that are taught are first values that you learn from your family and other members like speaking and understanding.

Anonymous said...

Values are caught and taught.As Marian,I apply the values that I learned in school in my daily life.I also use it in helping other people.That can be a help in growing up.It may also be a guide when I go to high school,college and in working.

Dominic07 said...

For me, values are both taught and caught by the people that surround me. Taught because there are what we called family, teachers, and religion that teaches us the rightful and Godly values; caught because our environment influences our attitudes and values such as our friends or peers, media and community as well. As a Marian, I apply the values that I gained from school by professing my faith, following God, praising Mary as our mother and following the examples of Mo. Ignacia. I also apply excellence in everything I do, and of course discipline, which means working responsibly without need of supervision. I also give importance to humanity, help and share blessing to those who are experiencing imbalance, and show respect to all the people.
On the other hand, I believe that the values that my parents had taught me are one of the greatest treasures that they could give me and that I could inherit from them. Honesty was one of the values that they taught me, being honest to myself and in everything I do like not cheating and not telling lies. I respect them just like how they taught me how to respect others. I also share to others the blessing that I have just like how my parents teach me not to be selfish and greedy. Being humble and modest despite the achievements that I receive was always what my mom and dad wants me to do. Most of all fear of the Lord and giving importance to the family was the greatest value that my parents have taught me.

Jahn Dominic S. Llorera
Gr.6-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Miriam said...

Base in my experience values can be taught and caught.

Because if you taght it means that to share the values that you already know to others so that they can know the values that you already know for them to already apply it to there own life and you need to always teach them for the other values that you know so it can be applied to their family and own life.

Caught because if you caught you are learning it from others because if you caught many values you can share/taught more values to apply to their own and family life.

-Miriam D. Fernandez G-14
V-Nativity of Mary*

raissa said...

Hello Sr.
For me, Values are something eveyone should have. Jesus created us to take care of the world and to take care of one another. For God or Jesus no one is high, no one is low, no one is rich and no one is poor, everybody are all the same levels. No one is bad and no one is also good. And it also depends to the person. Values can be taught and caught. Values are taught by the people or persons that becames our model, it can also be taught by our teachers, parents and even some of our classmates. Values can be caught because sometimes you just do what you want that is a value, in which it can help others.
Yes Sr. I apply this value because sometimes I said to myself what if I don't help others, will I still have so many friends that can also help and care for me. I also thought that when I help someone I feel relieved if they thanked me because they somewhat apreciate your help and that means they are not angry at me or you. Also, I help others so that some time will come that they will thank me for all the things I have done to them.
Noraissa M. Saripada
Grade6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Jelena G-8 said...

For me as Marian values can be taught and caught.

caught-We can imitate it from
our parents and other people.

taught-We can teach this values to other people like our little brothers,sisters, and even our fellow Marians.

If we apply this in our daily life it will help us to be successful in life.

Jelena Mariah M. Del Corro
5-Nativity of Mary

Antonette Nicole Arcega said...

Values should not be only taught but it should also be caught. I strongly believe that values are very important. In fact,in order to succeed the most important ingredient is values!
I think most of us are aware from what is right from wrong.But sometimes we forget it. I know this past few days we have many sins that we commited to you. We are truly sorry! :(
pls. forgive us..
Were very sorry about the attitude we showed! :(

Antonette Nicole Arcega
Gr. 6 Blessed Virgin Mary

jamille said...

As a Marian i will apply the values by caring for others. Second, to my parent and others. I will apply those values to reality by helping other people, caring for others, share what you have, treating others as brothers and sisters of God.

Jamille Danna O. Catapang
VI- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

jade manayon said...

Values can be taught and caught.

Taught because in school we can taught many things just as many subjects

Caught because we can caught in varied experience.


Anonymous said...

It does not mean that you have values already.We can teach this values to other people like our little brothers,sisters, and even our fellow Marians. Your family, friends or teachers will teach you what are the good values and the bad values.

Anonymous said...

It does not mean that you have values already.We can teach this values to other people like our little brothers,sisters, and even our fellow Marians. Your family, friends or teachers will teach you what are the good values and the bad values.

Roselle V. Villanueva
VI- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

hans980 said...

I will apply this by helping others and by respecting them like not making fun of them!!!...

hans980 said...

and by sharing them to others for them to know the right values to do and wrong values not to do!!!!!!!.... so sorry kung naputol sir ^_^ ^_^!!!...

teddy said...




Jhovenay Calixto said...

I can apply this by not being a greedy and being a good role model to others. Being a Marian is a task we need to apply in our daily life.. In our days, we are highly influence with the environment and the media by our bad attitudes. We use this attitudes in our daily life. We don't realize it is bad because our mind is highly influence with those bad attitudes. I experienced that many of us now don't respect others.. Everybody is in the same level.
The values I have gained from my parents and other teachers when I was young it is a very good influence for me to be a good Marian. Being humble is also a good thing for a good growing Marian. We need these core values for us to be a good and respectful growing Marian.

Jhovenay U. Calixto
6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Eijai said...

As a Marian, values can be taught and caught.

I can apply this values by sharing what I have that I gained from my parents like my talents I can share it those who really want to learn my talent I can share my edukation by teaching others that needs my edukation like thos kids that doesnt have money to go to school.

Thank's sir this is from:
Eijai A. Tingting
GR.5 Nativity of mary

Ira Beatrice S. Taylo said...

For me, values are caught
because you learned it from your parents,friends,and other people sorrounding you while your growing up.

I think I applied these values, First because of my parents they showed this values,Second from my teachers they apply the values learned from this institution in every subject that they teach us everyday,And third because of my good friends they really have a big impact to what you do maybe because they are the ones who we always talk and who are always with us.

iandouglas said...

I confirm that values are taught and caught.Some values are taught because our parents and teachers told us.We are also told about the good manners,in this way,values are taught.Values are also caught when we see somebody doing a certain value, we might imitate that value that they are showing.It may be good or a bad attitude or value.But we must avoid imitating bad values to avoid bringing it until we grow up and have our own family. And for us to have a good life, we must follow the good values that our elders including our parents and teachers told us.Respecting our mother and father , greeting, saying polite words, resourceful and being helpful are some of the values I have shown.Sometimes I appplied it sometimes and sometimes also I have failed to do it.Who knows we might go to heaven soon when we do and follow this good values.So, thank you Sir for teaching us good values. It is a good thing that I learned some values from you Sir. Thank you very much.

Czarina said...

For me values are taught.ANd we must be aware of our mistakes beacuse ...because of our mistakes sometimes we hurt ohers.I will apply the values gainned frm the insttitution by being a good example to all Marians or non-Marians by being sharing and sacrifice.Sometimes I learn many values from my peers and my parents.and sr. you did apply all the good examples to us because you lessen the NAUGHTINESS that Blessed had before...

Czarina Joy Balbuena-G3
6-Blessed Virgin

6blessedvirginb4 said...

Good Morning Sir,

Praise Be Jesus & Mary!

In our home my parents taught me a good manners especially in "Respect".As a Marian i should do what family taught me because i realized if you want a people respect you,you must give them too.I'm old enough to know what is right and is wrong,that's why I'm so careful that i can't hurt a person because i don't want,what i did to them they return back it to me.

Vincent Lyndon Del Prado B4
VI-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

3ciarecato said...

sr. gud pm...
for me, values may be caught and be taught. Children are being taught on how they are suppose to treat others..and sometimes, due to their wrong understanding,,they can learn their lessons from ther, and that's how i interpret lessons or values that are, i know that this past few days we have hurt the feelings of others and i know that we are sorry for it....i hope you could understand us that we learned a very important lesson from that,,,before you do things, think of it 7x first in your mind if it will hurt feelings of oither.

Patricia Anne T. Recato
6-blessed virgin

Unknown said...

Vincent Julius P. Orteza
Nativity of Mary



Both. As children we are taught, usually by our parents, their value system. As we grow we add our own life experiences to this and sort through that to come up with our own value system according to what we believe. It is us that mainly forms it but it comes from our life experiences, what our parents believed and how we are raised. A victim of abuse will chose not to be abused because of what happened to them. It is a process that goes on all throughout our lives and never stops until we die.
While our parents spend a lot of time teaching us about these values, perhaps what is even more important is what we “catch" from observing any behavior. If within the family, we pick up the bad habits we see around them, it nullifies all the good they have been taught.
Hence, I urge parents and elders to be extremely careful with the way they conduct themselves as we children learn quickly in our formative years. If we have respect and consideration for one another in the household, we will learn to show respect and consideration for everyone in turn.
As a Maryan I will always follow and obey what my parents and teachers have taught me and apply all these values by doing good deeds, respect others and be truthful in all the things I would do.

Aaron S. Benolirao said...

I think values are taught and not caught because values can be teach and it cannot be catched

aundrey said...

i think some of us even me are not aware in the word values.but if you dont have values you may distruct or even destroy your relationship in one person just because of the may loose everything if you dont have a right value

jan aundrey uyseco
6-mary the blessed virgin

j-nina supelana said...

good day sir,

i think values are most often caught. Because sir even values are taught and we don't apply it to our daily life, then it is useless. it can't be used when we cannot see any example or encouragement. As a marian i can apply the values that i have caught in the school by using it and by being a model to others as best as i can. I will apply it by learning how to do it and analyzing every bit of it and learn from what i have known and caught. I'm just sad because i know that i didn't apply it on my latter part of my life even i have known it everyday of my life I just keep on ignoring it from my mind.....(*:*)

Janina Marie B. Supelana
VI Mary The Blessed Virgin

Loisse said...

I believe that values are taught because when you are still a child your parents teach the values to be manifested. Somehow it is also caught from other people like friends sometimes they show you bad attitudes and because you are always with them you followed their bad values. Sometimes you get it from the people you see from outside or the things you watch.

Loisse Agamata
Mary the Blessed Virgin

Mr.low said...

Values is taught by the example of people aroud you.Unfortunately not all of us are taught and don't know what is right and wrong.As a Marian I will show my values to others by carrying the legacy that the S.M.A. gave to me.The values that I have is from my parent and good examples from my community.But on the other hand some of the time I forget the values that I learned.

Israel Nepomuceno-B9
VI-Mary,The Blessed Virgin

bernadette_jeremy014 said...

values are very important to children especially to kids our age... and with our attitude... Values make people change....

Raymundo, Bernadette Eunice, C.
6 Mary the Blessed Virgin

Lanz Harvey said...

Values are important to us so that we can change our attitude and to learn more what is the proper behavior

Lanz Harvey M. Jacob
VI - Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Amir najim C. Pangcoga VI-Blessed virgin said...

I believe yhat these values are taught because of your learnings from your own parents It can be also be caught from influence from people around you.

Christine Delima said...

Christine Mae M. Delima
V-Nativity of Mary

REFLECTION#5-Marian Values

For me,values can be taught and caught.It can be taught because our teacher,parents or guardians told us,even us taught the values to everyone else.Also,values can be caught.It can be caught because we can see some people doing a certain value.
As a Marian,I should avoid imitating bad values and should know how to do good values.

Hark Emmanuelle Joaquin B. Reynaldo said...

forme values are caught.... because in every thingd that you do,you'll learned.and you caught rthat vallues ...... I apply the values that i gained...i use it as learning to some subject...but something their are things that we can expected......the values are just in words....tnx...

6-blessed virgin

xoxostrawberri:)) said...

For me, values can be taught or caught because sometimes you learn values form the mistakes that you make. Sometimes, this can also be taught by your parents or teachers. Sometimes, I may not apply these values but when I realize that I was wrong, I learn my lesson. But as an example of a good marian student, i should try to avoid commiting mistakes and apply the value that I have gained.
Thank you sir!

Minelli A. Inoferio
6-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

robyn chavez 6 blessed virgin g7 said...

sir values are taught and can be caught it is taught by our parents since we are a child values are taught and it could be caught because we get them from other. one day i make a mistake and my mom scold me but its okay because that way we know what is good and bad.

Anonymous said...

For me it can be taught and caught.It can be taught because since we are born our father and mother already taught us how to show respect to others and also they taught us how to show good manners. Even now that we are already studying our teachers always taech us to show respect,kindness,honesty, and most especially how to show love to others.It is also caught because our father and mother is our model since we are not yet studying they already shows us how to be a good person.It is also shown by our teachers how to do good things and especially catholic schools they shows and teaches us to follow God's example of being a kind person. As a marian we must follow our parents ,teachers and God of being our model because they teaches and shows us the proper attitude of being a kind person.Showing the right values is a key to success.

Patricia Nicole B. Dignos
V- Nativity of Mary*

Unknown said...

Values are taught and caught. They are taught because of our parents, teachers and family. They are caught because some people imitate other people so that they could be like that person. Applying this is EASY AS PIE. Because we do know the difference of bad and good. Values is a habit for me so it will not be hard to apply. Marians are also taught about these values so they would not have a hard time learning about it.

Kharis Faune -G12-
Mary, the Blessed Virgin

nativity of mary B16 said...

I belive that some values are taught while others are gained.I will use my values in helping and many more activities.I will also use them to help and inspire my family.Well I think that I use most of them but I got to admit that I don't use them all.