Friday, August 7, 2009

Revitalized MAPE Intsructional Program of SMA-Pasay

In pursuing quality education and academic excellence, The MAPE,Area organize its curriculum effectively not only to meet the requirements of the Department of Education but also to realize the vision-mission of the school.

The MAPE area designed to make the pupils develop sound educational experiences to enable them to cope with life’s challenges. Acquired basic skills, concepts and values learn in this course would be beneficial in producing students who would look at life as worth living, thus making them more responsible and more productive at home, in school and community. The program is based on the Basic Elementary Curriculum as prescribed by the Department of Education.

The Music, Arts, and Physical Education program of the Grade School Department is designed to develop a well rounded individual physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and culturally It caters the development of Multiple Intelligences of the pupils and encourages interaction and develops self-confidence . Lessons are carefully selected and area based on the varied content areas that serve as our guide in developing the learners in line with the provisions on their needs and interests in honing the basic skills. The area uses Performance Assessment Standard.

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