Thursday, July 9, 2009

Reflection#2 - Blessed Virgin

This week, we had studied how a figure is created out of line and shape, we also experience using water color pencil and oil pastel. As you use these medium, you discover many possibilities of using it. The silhouettes you did is just a starting activity towards a more interactive art activities. Like our surroundings... everywhere there is color and each color plays an important role. Try to choose one picture ( YLRO'S EYE ) from my blog and reflect how does line contribute to the subject. Do it in a short bond paper and submit on July 14, 2009 or submit through my email at ( You should have your own file in your portfolio) If you don't have any printer to use...any picture can do and handwritten is accepted. THANKS and I hope you learn many things from me.


☺ Winfred Villaluna ☺ said...

Hi sir, this is Winfred, sir, I found this lesson really important because without it, we will have difficulty on looking for some things especially when we are in a hurry, and colors also give beauty to life & nature. Thanks sir. :D

Noraissa M. Saripada said...

Sr. this is Raissa I found this lesson important because this is a lesson which is fountain of knowledge in art, creativity and beauty. This can make us improve our works, posters and when we make designs we could apply the monochromatic colors, and this can also give life, meaning and attraction to others. Also colors are used to make something entertaning to look at, it can give beauty, meaning and life.
Noraissa M. Saripada
G6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

ellyciel said...

Hello Sir, this is Ellyza, line is very important because without line, there's no drawings, objects and anything around us. Also colors is a very important tool, without colors, there is no beauty to our Mother Earth. Colors show life and happiness. I thank also God because he created all the things around us. Color and Lines are a significance of relationship within creativity, it has a delightful message to all of us and its attraction stick towards us, lines uses drawings or even our writings.
Ellyza S. Cua
VI- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Jhovenay Calixto said...

Hello sir this is Jhovenay, Lines are very important because without lines there's nothings,drawings pictures and many more that uses lines and almost everything has lines.
Colors is important too.
Colors are important because without colors there is no life in our drawings, in our pictures and objects and also without colors there is no beauty in an object.

And I also want to thank God he has given us this things for having life

Jhovenay U. Calixto
6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

robyn chavez G6-Blessed Virgin g7 said...

Hi sir this is robyn you know i really like studying in art because its everywhere.And i learned about monochromatic colors that if you use this theres a gorgeous output.And all about colors that also gives life to an object.And sir we can use this in our art activity, in posters and many more.Thank you sir for being our mape teacher becauase we enjoy your subject.

Have a nice day

Antonette Nicole Arcega said...

Lines and colors are both imporant because without color there is no beauty, without lines there are no drawings, pictures.Lines and colors also brings beauty to our drawings.Lines are connected to colors. Lines and colors are around us.
We should be thankful for the gift of lines and colors.

-Antonette Nicole Arcega
Gr.6 Blessed Virgin Mary

Anonymous said...

Hi sir this is Roselle I really like art even if I'm not really good at it.To me lines and colrs are important to us because if there's no lines there are no shapes,drawings and almost everything around us that gives beauty to the earth.But not only lines that give us beauty but also colors, it gives things around us life and creativity.
I thank God for giving us these.

Roselle V. Villanueva
6-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

Lanz Harvey M. Jacob said...

Hi Sir this is Lanz. I learned that color is important to us. It gives beauty to our surroundings and to our nature. Without color our world has no significance.

Ira Beatrice S. Taylo said...

Good day Sir,
I learned that color and lines are very important to our day to day living, it shows one's emotion as well as creativity. For me,without color and lines, life is not beautiful at all.

Ira Beatice S. Taylo
Grade VI- Mary the Blessed Virgin

wala na said...

hello sir this is eibai g24 this lesson is really important cause lines are one of the basic structures in drawing which we need in our near future thanks sir :)
Eibai Dianne A. Tingting
Grade 6 Mary the Blessed Virgin

Hark Emmanuelle Joaquin B. Reynaldo said...

sir this is hark, lines is importan because lines builds an art. lines is one of the composition of art. lines is importan also cause lines make things amazing ang extremely beautiful. lines is important because lines makes figure, drawing, shape and more...
so we should be content and happy that we have lines

Minelli Inoferio said...

Lines are very important because without it we cannot draw anything or any figure. It is the most important composition of art. Without lines we cannot form anything.

Minelli A. Inoferio
VI-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

christia said...

In this lesson, we can see that lines and it's kinds are very important in our lives because it can help us to be creative by using these lines and to let us know the importance of lines in our lives