Thursday, July 9, 2009

Reflection#2 Nativity of Mary

Based from the two art activities that we did, what learnings did you gained? How are you going to master and apply these learnings for your future? ( POST YOUR REFLECTION ON THE COMMENTS PORTION OF THIS POST)


Dianne said...

I learned that we should have discipline cause if we are colouring some of the oil pastels go out of the line. Especially when we are in a rush. I can apply this on my future by telling to myself that we should have self discipline.

Jade said...

I have learned that we should always concentrate of what we are doing so that we can make our work beautiful and presentable. I can apply this on my future by having a self discipline.

Kevin said...

I learned that we must be always quiet because you can't concentrate on your own work.I may apply this on the future by being quiet.

Alexandra Marie P. Medina said...

I have learned that FOCUSING on whatever were doing and giving our BEST in whatever we do, can produce good work. I can apply these learning's for my future and be a good citizen of our country.

kristadreyes said...

what i learned is how shapes, lines and color affect the art of beauty.
i also realized that having passion for your art is important cause it helps you to see the inner beauty and meaning of the art you've made.
based on what i've said i can say that i can apply what i've learned in the future by always being sincere to my work to be able to find hapiness in my life.
but again everyone says that lines are the most important part of a drawing or art.just like in finding hapiness,you should still consider the role of lines,

mikaela denise said...

I have learned that if we carefully follow instructions given to us, we can perform our tasks very well. In the future, good followers will always be successful and can be good leaders as well.

iandouglas said...

I learned the different elements of beauty and the different art forms

Francine said...

From the activities we've done I learned all about blending colors.I know that color doesn't only give us happiness,but also gives us much more life.
I also learn about the different kinds of lines and importance of using lines.I learn that line is very important because without line, how will you seperate or classify things in you drawing?
i will apply my learnings in the future by using it on my daily life and use colors and shapes wisely.

Francine Ghia C. Aspa
V-Nativity of Mary

oya. :] said...

i have learned that while d0ing arts we should sh0w our creativity in coloring. Coloring makes y0ur drawing m0re beautiful. Mixing different colors can also make y0ur drawing nice and beautiful. I can use this talent of coloring and drawing in the future by d0ing/using it in my daily activities in.


Jelena said...

I learned that we should listen carefully to our teacher so that we could know what to do.

I'm going to apply this by teaching it to other people.

Jelena G-8 said...

Carlos Guerrero said I learned how to use colors in different ways

Marvinne De Guzman (G-7) said...

i learn that we should concentrate to the subject so that it will be more attractive and activity will be accurate and pass it on time.

I will apply these lessons by listening to the lessons so that it will be easy to understand and to do.

rouisa lopez said...

Based from the two art activities that we did,I Learned that Ican use diff colors in diff artworks.Iam gonna master it by practicing everyday.Iam gonna apply this in the future by remembering the lessons everyday

angel anj said...

I learned the different elements of arts and I also learned that if we focus and follow instructions we will have a beautiful and attractive work.I will apply this learnings in the future by using it in our daily work or activities.

Angelika Mae

Nativity of Mary G30-trisha said...

..From the 2 art activities that we did, I can say that colors bring any pictures to life. Colors have the most important role in every drawings or illustrations. Every now and then color is such the most eye-catching part of a drawing. Now, can you imagine a drawing without any colors?..

..From these, I can apply it to my future by always creative, mixing our ideas like mixing colors with my co workers and these shows that even if we are different from each other, still, when we go together as one, it will create a different thing that an ordinary person can't do..

Anonymous said...

i learn in our lesson how to make effects and shadows in our drawings.... i will pracrice and practice to master my skills in drawing.......

debbie mae p. cantos
v-nativity of mary

nani_raƱeses said...

I have come to know how create forms and blend in colors that I can use in creating different still life images. Self-discipline and creativity are the knowledge that I gained.

I will practice more on blending colors and visualize forms from different angles.

Perhaps, self discipline and creativity are the keys to my success in the future. :D

Miriam said...

-Miriam D. Fernandez
V-Nativity of Mary*

I learned that i need to have discipline and creativity in art because more colors is more beautiful and also in art there is no ugly drawing all drawings are pretty. And i also learned that i need to take my time in drawing because i need to make it beautiful and creative drawing and lastly i learned that even i think my time in drawing i need also to be careful in drawing a thing.

Mikhael Florentino said...

I have learned the different kinds of elements and how to make silhouette drawings and other activities that we made -Mikhael C. Florentino

JCBlaise said...

I've learned from our previous activities that when we combine colors accordingly plus practice we could produce perfect creation.

Focus, following instructions, discipline, dedication and putting you hearts to whatever you do are the best learnings that I've got and could help me achieve my goals in life in the near future.

Let's put ARTS in our lives now!!!! :)

Jan Christian Blaise D. Bombio
5-Nativity of Mary

andrea said...

i learned how to combined colors, making shadows and appreciation of nature.My imagination was enhanced creating new ideas. Love and interest in everything that we do can create and developed new ideas which I can used in the future.

Anonymous said...

Based on our activities that we did what I learned was:

When making an art you should enhance your imaginations and ideas so you can create an art by showing your feelings that you want to explore and the things you want to create and to share your imaginations to others. In this way you can show your own creativity to make it for you more easier because you are making your own ideas in creating an art. Because if you will just cheat others work you cannot enjoy the activity that you are doing. So in creating an art you can make your own decision on how to make your art more creative.


Andrea Penaflorida said...

Based from our art activities, I learned that we can use this in our daily life and that we can earn many enhance talents by doing this (only if you your talent is art) And I can master and apply this learnings in my future by teaching children of what I have learned about it and by doing art for people to see.

Eijai said...

I learned how to make beautiful designs by colors and i can master these by practicing it more adn doing in again and again

Vincent Julius P. Orteza said...

I’ve learned a lot of beautiful and inspiring things from our lessons. As an ART addict (i.e. I love ART very much, and dream of being an artist someday), I was able to relate the different elements of art, its beauty and importance in our everyday living. How to blend different colors, lines and shapes and how to relate it in our different activities at home and in school.

Vincent Julius P. Orteza
V- Nativity of Mary

Earl Confesor said...

I larned that we should concentrate of what we are ding so that we can finish our work beautifully and fast.We should give our bst in everything if its ugly at least you did your best.There is nothing ugly in art.i learned shapes,lines and colors