Monday, June 15, 2009


GROUPMATES FROM THE BLESSED ( click photo to enlarge)

I would like to congratulate the group of Dohate Vimajala for creating their group name so creative . Members are so cooperative and I would like to commend the leadership of Vincent. Keep up the spirit of unity. Charge!


Robyn Chavez said...

yes dohate vimajala is really a unique group name even i couldn't think of that because the name of our group is blessed ladies and it doesn't fit us.And by the way i am Robyn Chavez actuallyim a student yours.okay sir goodbye and what a nice blog.

eibaI said...

hello sir yes indeed actually its hard to think of a cool name by the way im eibai dianne :)

Aaron said...

Lets go SARIWARA muahaha!

gossip girl said...

hello sir..:)) yes i do agree that Dohate Vimajala is a very unique was really hard for us to think of a nice name..but i was so happy of the result because we all had nice names..:)) hope to see more pics soon!:))
by the way sir this is Minelli Inoferio:))

Anonymous said...

Go SARIWARA members yehey hehe

Czarina said...

hahaha!! Go Blessed Keep up the gud work dudes!!! WORK AS AGROUP PROPERLY!!!


jhovenay U. CAlixto said...

Yes Sr. DOHATE VIMAJALA is a very unique name!!! and I also really enjoy the leadership of Vincent to them!! TOmmorow we will have... CHARGE!!!

jhovena U. Calixto
6- mary the blessed Virgin

eric said...

hahaha sr ang cute nyo d2

Anonymous said...

sir tnx for commending me.....hi te way this is jv

rafael said...

lets go sariwara

Ira Beatrice S.Taylo said...

Trully Dohate Vimajala is a unique name...Well thinking of a group name is sooo hard

Ira Beatrice S. Taylo
Grade 6-Mary ,the Blessed Virgin

Winfred Villaluna said...

HI sir, this is winfred DOHATE VIMAJALA is also a good name and hard to think of, and Vincent is also a good leader for me Thanks & bye for now