Friday, June 19, 2009

Whats your opinion? - For Blessed only

Based from the result of your post test in Physical Fitness test last school year, what are your plans for your total growth and development as Marians. Please write your reflection together with your name and class number at the end of your sentence. Due date : June 26, 2009


Jhovenay U. Calixto said...

Reflection no. 1
my plans for this school year is to eat more healthy foods and to decrease weight and increase my height because I want to increase my growth.

Jhovenay U. Calixto
6- Mary the Blessed Virgin

Ellyza S. Cua said...

Ser, my plans for this school year to be fit and healthy is to eat more nutritious food like vegetables and fruits and also I will avoid eating junk foods. Every morning when I wake up, I will be doing some little squats and little exercise to be energized for the day

Ellyza S. Cua
VI- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Czarinna Joy Balbuena said...

my plans for this school year is to be fit by eating healthy foods,sleep at the right time and excercise!!

and I want to grow taller

*Czarina Joy*
6-blessed Virgin


lanz said...

my plans for this school year is to maintain my weight.i also want to be taller

Antonette Nicole Arcega said...

♥▪Reflection #1♥▪
☻☺Sir my plans this school year is to decrease my weight!!! :))
I'm challenging myself to eat more vegetables and avoid junk foods!!!
I also want to grow taller!!!!☻☺

Antonette Nicole Arcega
VI- Mary, The Blessed Virgin

Rochelle Marie G. Padiz said...

Good Afternoon Sir...
My plans for this year is to decrease a little of my weight and to maintain my height. I'm challenging my self to avoid junk foods and be familiar with fruits and vegetables. :)

G15-Rochelle Marie G. Padiz
VI-Blessed Virgin

Aaron Benolirao said...

My plans is to maintain my weight and grow more=)

jan vincent varias said...

my plans is to loose weight and be more physically fitted..........CHARGE=)

jan vincent p. varias

Eibai Dianne A. Tingting said...

MY plans is to let my wight loose and i want to grow more for this school year

Eibai Dianne A. Tingting

Anonymous said...

My plans are to do the right thing to have a fit body.

Israel Nepomuceno
VI-Mary,The Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

Vincent Lyndon Del Prado
VI-Blessed Virgin [B4]

June 21,2009

My plans are to have a daily exercise for my body to become fit.I also want to grow taller.

Minelli said...

my plans for this school year is to have a more healthy living by eating more healthy foods and sleeping early. I want to be more taller and decrease weight for this school year so that i could become a more healthy person.:))

Minelli Inoferio
VI-Blessed Virgin[g13]

Rommel P. Decena said...

My plans for this year is to be a healthy person and to be fit

G-6 Blessed Virgin
Rommel P. Decena

jamille said..... said...

my plans this school year is to eat more healthy foods,drink milk everyday,drink vitamins and always exercise.

Jamille Danna O. Catapang
VI-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

okay lets be fit

buy teddy

Anonymous said...

My plans for this school year is to eat fruits and be fit so i will not be overweight.And also drink milk and water and exercise.


Ira Beatrice S. Taylo said...

Good day Sir,
My goal for this year is to make myself healthy by eating nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables.I will continously
drink more fluids and vitamins to boost my energy.

Ira Beatrice S. Taylo
Grade VI-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

Patricia Anne T. Recato said...

Good evening Sr.,,
My plans for this year is to discorver some unique ways that are alot safer and less expensive that will help me decraese some of my weight,,and also to be a model to other Marians that being fit is a very good way in boosting your personality and gaining new friends...Good Day =D
Patricia Anne T. Recato
VI-Blessed Virgin

Winfred Louie C. Villaluna said...

Reflection #1:)

Sir, I'll eat balance food & I want to grow more and to lose weight

Winfred Louie C. VIllaluna
VI- MAry the Blessed Virgin

bErNaDeTtE said...

my plans this school year is to decrease weight and increase my height... imagine... i'm 90 lbs. but i'm only 4'8... i'm too chubby!!:(

Kharis said...

i will decrease my weight because i just got heavier this year! :)

Kharis Faune -G12-
G6-Mary,the Blessed Virgin

Renise Anne Dumaplin said...


I plan to control my food intake in order to achieve my ideal body weight.Aside from that,I should also change old food habits.Exercise, drink vitamins, plenty of water and sleep early instead.

Renise Anne Dumaplin.
Mary, the Blessed Virgin

Anonymous said...

..sir gOodevening :D . plAns this yEar is to gain my wEight cause i think im underweight and to bE more taller this yEar.
..i plAn also to eAt vegetables and fruits and to avoid eating junk foods :D
..anD to drink milk and vitamins so i cAn avoiD otheR virus anD sickness ..
.. im Kevyne Dantes from VI Mary , Blessed Virgin G9

Anonymous said...

Good Evening Sr.

My plans for this school year is to exercise everyday so that i can loose weight, even though i'm not to sure if i could get along with it. I also want to make myself to eat vegetables and fruits because i hate some kinds of vegetables. I also want to sleep early everyday because lately i've been sleeping late because i watch DVD, i also want to sleep early so that i can make myself grow taller (because sometimes i've been thinking about if i could be a model, but i'm not too sure about that because i also want to become a fashion designer). I hope that i could achieve my goals for this school year.

Noraissa M. Saripada
G6- Mary, the Blessed Virgin

JaNinA Supelana said...


Myy plans for today is to be more healthy by eating more vegetables and fruits while eating less junk foods. I will exercise everyday to be more exercised and healthy. I will sleep more every night and day. I will seek advice from all other adults. And lastly I will do my best to achieve my plans this school year.

Janina Marie B. Supelana
G-22 IV- Mary the Blessed Virgin

sean laguda said...

i will keep my normal wieght

Dominic said...

reflection #1
My plans for this school year are eating healthy foods and lessen eating junk foods. Enough sleep, much involvement in community service/ church related organizations. Holistic and fruitful dedication to studies.

Jahn Dominic S. Llorera
Gr.6-Mary, the Blessed Virgin

BOFaddict25 said...

My plans for this school year is eating more healthy foods instead o junk foods and softdrinks. I will sleep enough, and I will be active everyday to keep my body alive!!!

Pamela Joyce M. Espigol
VI-Blessed Virgin Mary

Anonymous said...

My plans for this school year is to have a more healthy living by eating more healthy foods and sleeping early. I want to be more taller weight for this school year.

Roselle V. Villanueva
VI-Blessed Virgin

steffinaomi_13 said...

Well.... I realized that I grew a lot from my previous results. I think I should manage my health to avoid any sickness.

Steffi Naomi S. Santos
Gr.6-Mary, the blessed virgin

Amir Pangcoga said...

I should probblably have a diet because from my recent findings I am an overweight and reduce my eating habits

Amir Najim C. Pangcoga
6-Blessed Virgin

robyn chavez g6 blessed virgin g7 said...

hi sir i think i need to maintain my weight because im normal but maybe this school year i will increase some pounds but ill try to exercise

Anonymous said...

My plan for this school year is to be healthy person. Eating nutritious
food like vegetables and fruits and drinking 8 glasses of water a day can also help me to be a healthy person.

-Christia Marie T. Siasat-
6-Blessed Virgin